Thursday, February 11, 2010

Beware of Concussions - They Are Brain Injuries

Concussions are mild head injuries and are the most common of traumatic brain injuries. Most people do not think of concussions as being serious but there is the possibility that later life symptoms can occur because of scar tissue build-up.

Concussions can cause physical, cognitive and emotional symptoms. These symptoms will usually disappear in about three weeks when there has been sufficient rest following the injury. With this type of injury there can be loss of consciousness of minutes or more and possibly post-amnesia which could last twenty-four hours or less. Loss of consciousness indicates a more severe blow to the head than if there was none. Concussions are usually caused from falls, sports injuries or car accidents.

Headaches are one of the most common symptoms. Other symptoms can include dizziness, nausea, difficulty with balancing, light sensitivity, blurred vision, confusion, focusing difficulties, disorientation, reasoning problems, concentration, crankiness, tearfulness, inappropriate emotional displays and possibly, but not likely, convulsions.

It is advised that following an injury such as this that individuals get a lot of sleep at night with rest during the day before gradually returning to normal activities. It is also advised that sufferers don't drink alcohol or take drugs that have not been authorized by their doctors.

It is rare that resultant problems from concussions will be permanent but for those over fifty-five years old, it may take longer to heal or they may have more persistent problems. Occasionally those with concussions may suffer from post-concussion syndromes for weeks or possibly even years after. These symptoms may include headaches, dizziness, attention, memory or sleep problems as well as irritability. Symptoms may be more severe with subsequent concussions.

When doing research, I heard that one concussion sufferer experienced headaches for many years following her injury. There had been no follow-up after her injury even though she had lost consciousness. At the time of her injury, little was known about concussions and very little attention paid to them. People are now becoming more aware of the seriousness of these injuries and most now realize that they are a mild head injury.

In the case of students playing high school sports, concussions are very common. Very often after only a brief period of sitting out, most will return to finish the game. It is serious when they do this as follow-up care is important after this type of injury.

It is important that these injuries be taken seriously not only for today but for future health and wellbeing also.

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